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How to apply for a class G investor permit in Kenya.

If you are a foreign investor looking to invest in Kenya, you may be interested in obtaining a Class G investor permit. This permit allows foreign investors to stay in Kenya for a period of two years to undertake business activities in the country. In this article, we will outline the requirements for obtaining a Class G investor permit and the legal services available to help you through the application process

Processing an application for a immigration Class G investor permit in Kenya can be a tedious and complex process and it is recommended that you seek legal advice and assistance to ensure that your application is successful.
Some of the legal services we provide for application of a Class G investor permit include.

  • Application preparation: A legal professional can help you prepare your application and ensure that all the necessary documentation is included
  • Legal advice: A lawyer can provide you with legal advice on the requirements for obtaining a Class G investor permit and the steps involved in the application process.
  • Immigration representation: An immigration lawyer can represent you in your dealings with the Kenyan immigration authorities and assist with any issues that may arise during the application process

Kenya immigration Class G Investor permits for Business in Kenya.

Kenya is definitely the economic hub in East and Central Africa With a GPD of about 130 Billion USD in 2022 toping its East African Neighbors.
Investing in Kenya can be a lucrative opportunity for foreign investors looking to expand their businesses into Kenya and East Africa. Processing the necessary permits and complying with legal requirements can be a tedious and complex process. We are available to help you with your immigration Class G investor permit application in Kenya.

Requirements for a Class G Investor Permit in Kenya.

The following are the requirements for application of an investor permit in Kenya.

  1. Certificate of incorporation of the company.
  2. Copy of Memorandum and Articles of Association of the company.
  3. Bank statement. Proof of Capital for Investment. USD 100,000 in local bank account
  4. PIN certificate of the applicant
  5. Tax Compliance certificate of the applicant.
  6. PIN certificate of the company
  7. Tax Compliance certificate of the company.
  8. Official List of directors of the company. CR-12)
  9. Contact information of the Applicant. That includes
    • Postal address
    • Email address
    • Telephone number
    • Residential address.
  10. Contact information of the Company. That includes
    • Postal address
    • Email address
    • Telephone number
    • Registered address.
  11. Copy of the Passport of the applicant.
  12. Passport Photo of the applicant.

Cost of a Class G investor permit in Kenya?

The cost of a Class G investor permit include

  1. Application fee Kes 20,000
  2. Permit fee Kes 259,000 per year. Max Two years renewable.
  3. Security Bond of Kes 1000,000

Procedure for application of a class G permit in kenya.

The following is a procedure for applying for a Class G investor permit in Kenya

  1. Determine Eligibility. Ensure that you meet the eligibility criteria. This includes
    • Valid national passport.
    • Minimum investment Capital of $100,000 in Kenya
    Owning at least 30% of the company's shares.
  2. Tax compliance certificate of the company
  3. Prepare the Required Documents. These include.
    • Registration certificate of the company.
    • PIN certificates.
    • Tax Compliance certificates
    • List of directors
    • Bank statement.
  4. Submit Application. Once you have compiled all the necessary information and documents, you can submit your application to the Director of Immigration Services upon payment of the prescribed fees.
  5. Permit Fees, If your application is approved, you shall be required to pay the permit fees. This includes Kes 100,000 per year.
  6. Security Bond - You shall be required to process a 3 year security bond from your insurance or bank.

What is a Kenya Class G investor permit?

A Class G investor permit is a type of immigration permit in Kenya issued to foreign investors who wish to invest, conduct business and reside in Kenya. The Immigration investor permit allows the foreign investor to carry on their business and live in Kenya for the duration of the permit.

How long does it take to process a class g Permit in Kenya?

The application and approval process for an investor permit in Kenya can take an average of 3 to 6 months.

What are the eligibility criteria for a Class G investor permit in Kenya?

To be eligible for a Class G investor permit, you must.

  1. Have a minimum investment of USD 100,000 in a Kenyan Bank.
  2. Be above 18 years of age
  3. Have a valid passport
  4. Have a registered company in Kenya.

Can a Foreign Investor work for a company in Kenya with a Class G investor permit?.

Yes, a Class G investor permit allows you to work for the company in which you have invested in.

Can a holder of an Investor Permit extend or renew a Class G investor permit in Kenya?.

Yes, you can renew or extend your Class G investor permit. However, you will need the following.

  1. Submit an application for renewal.
  2. Pay the application fees
  3. Submit audited accounts for the duration of the expired permit.
  4. Submit tax compliance certificate of the company.
  5. Submit tax compliance certificate of the applicant.

Kazi Legal

Offers you a fast, reliable and prudent immigration permits in Kenya.

Business Permit kenya.

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